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Fashion Revolution Campus 

Fashion Revolution

Once upon a time—wait, no. There was no happy ending. It was a tragedy. It all started after the Rana Plaza disaster on the 24th of April in 2013, when an industrial complex in Bangladesh, housing five large garment factories supplying global brands, collapsed, killing over 1,000 people – and causing uproar from around the world, as citizens massively questioned the ethics of the clothing industry, and urged major companies to take action in assuring a safe, equitable, and humane fashion revolution. The week of April 24th is now international…

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Maybe Arts 


I zoned out again. I have always enjoyed thinking to myself, thinking about who I am. I supposed that I was the protagonist in a story of my own creation. I always delved into these thoughts when I was alone. Coasting down cold snowy roads, skipping across searing hot street, no matter the season, I would still get lost in my thoughts. One particular afternoon was a lovely one. The family would take the car out on day trips, and I would always stare out the window. Through the window…

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Speak Up – Intercollegiate Poetry Slam News 

Speak Up – Intercollegiate Poetry Slam

Thursday, April 27th, five English cégeps competed at Speak Up, Montreal’s very first intercollegiate poetry slam, hosted by Vanier College. 14 poets – plus sacrificial poet and event founder, Nayem Alam – and an extremely wide variety of topics. First place was unanimously awarded to Emaline Gonzalez Thomas, a Dawson College student, for her piece about the contrast between traditional, Catholic, Latin-American beliefs about sexuality, and those held by young, modern North Americans. Her performance had the audience roaring with laughter, yet also moved to a beautiful, heavy silence at…

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Preface: Why Augusto Giovanni d’Elea Missed School Arts 

Preface: Why Augusto Giovanni d’Elea Missed School

The following short is the preface to The Unexpected And Highly Misguided Theory of Everything, allowing for readers of The Insider to get an exclusive excerpt from my upcoming Novella. For more information and to be notified upon its availability for purchase, visit and like the page.   ______________________________________________     FIFTEEN YEARS AGO, in the small town of Coanesbury, Ontario, in classroom 33B, on the second and highest floor of the elementary school on the 55th of Maine Street, a young boy raised his hand. His name was…

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Carnival-Woman Arts 


I believe I am a Carnival, A cheap attraction; STEP RIGHT UP! I am a visual masterpiece I’ll blow your mind in sweaty plastic colours   I am a kitsch Wonderland, Ring a ride on the merry-go-round, I’ll spin you round, and whistle in tiny tunes At twenty-five cents a pop   I am a capital C Clown, Horse balloons and penny tricks So pick a card, any card- And I’ll show you how to make a nightmare   I am a Pirate Ship, Broken rhythm, in the warm, putrid…

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BeNny and Joone Arts 

BeNny and Joone

Her words are paper-maché She sews them haphazardly They are broken and eaten and doused in clay She goes ‘round with a clumsy rhyme: brazenly   As she does so, I will stop Always thinking: will I drop? Her stanzas are magical, or perhaps not Maybe I just need to write: ‘tis worth a shot   He writes careful, in a deliberate side-step She writes madness, in a turmoil of a process They’re a sludge of heavy pep Toss the form! It’s a goddamn mess   Neither knows what the…

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Nineteen Eighty-Four: George Orwell and Michael Radford’s Call For Anarchist Revolution Entertainment 

Nineteen Eighty-Four: George Orwell and Michael Radford’s Call For Anarchist Revolution

  ”You cannot buy the revolution. You cannot make the revolution. You can only be the revolution. It is in your spirit or it is nowhere.” –Ursula K. LeGuin, The Dispossessed ”At one time in the world, there were woods that no one owned” –Cormac McCarthy, Child of God Michael Radford’s Nineteen Eighty-Four (1984) is a brilliant adaptation of George Orwell’s novel of the same name, originally published in 1949. The film follows Winston Smith (John Hurt) as he struggles to find truth and meaning in the oppressive regime put…

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Nintendo Switch Headlines Entertainment 

Nintendo Switch Headlines

On April 12th, Nintendo made numerous announcements regarding upcoming titles for the Nintendo Switch in their Nintendo Direct online broadcast. For those of you who may have missed the broadcast, here are the biggest takeaways: The Broadcast started off with a reintroduction of Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, an enhanced port of the 2014 Wii U game, Mario Kart 8. The Switch port adds a slew of new features, including new characters and vehicles, the return of double items, but most substantially, a traditional battle mode which didn’t appear in the…

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Without a GPS Voices 

Without a GPS

It starts out with one questionable choice, followed by two more bad decisions, and next thing you know, you’re standing at an intersection trying to figure out if three wrongs really will make a right.   Everybody has found themselves nestled in a car seat, comfortably cruising down that long highway that represents childhood. The roads are smooth, the directions, well-indicated. And anyway, you don’t really need to pay attention; someone else is driving. All you have to do is enjoy the ride. Play with your feet. Make some noise….

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Many stories are created every day and some make important chapters in people’s lives that create a strong impact in another’s. Immigration is a common subject that hovers around us. The year of 2016 has been a very busy year with regards to immigration, starting with the huge exodus of the Syrian refugees. Many countries are dealing with emigration crisis due to reasons such as war, natural disasters, violence, corruption, drug trafficking, development projects and much more that create a bad quality of life for the people who must flee…

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