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Speak Up – Intercollegiate Poetry Slam News 

Speak Up – Intercollegiate Poetry Slam

Thursday, April 27th, five English cégeps competed at Speak Up, Montreal’s very first intercollegiate poetry slam, hosted by Vanier College. 14 poets – plus sacrificial poet and event founder, Nayem Alam – and an extremely wide variety of topics. First place was unanimously awarded to Emaline Gonzalez Thomas, a Dawson College student, for her piece about the contrast between traditional, Catholic, Latin-American beliefs about sexuality, and those held by young, modern North Americans. Her performance had the audience roaring with laughter, yet also moved to a beautiful, heavy silence at…

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Preface: Why Augusto Giovanni d’Elea Missed School Arts 

Preface: Why Augusto Giovanni d’Elea Missed School

The following short is the preface to The Unexpected And Highly Misguided Theory of Everything, allowing for readers of The Insider to get an exclusive excerpt from my upcoming Novella. For more information and to be notified upon its availability for purchase, visit and like the page.   ______________________________________________     FIFTEEN YEARS AGO, in the small town of Coanesbury, Ontario, in classroom 33B, on the second and highest floor of the elementary school on the 55th of Maine Street, a young boy raised his hand. His name was…

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