Mes enfants n’ont pas peur du noir – Review
Looking for an out-of-the-ordinary theatre-going experience? Contemporary theatre may be just the thing for you!
At Centre du Théâtre d’Aujourd’hui, the cramped space and unusual stage placement (diagonally across the square room) may raise a few eyebrows, but Jean-Denis Beaudoin’s Mes enfants n’ont pas peur du noir captivates the audience right from the start. Filled with light-hearted tragedy, this production has the audience alternating between sitting on the edge of their seats and erupting with laughter.
The play is based on the director’s story, but the references to Hansel and Gretel are numerous. Beaudoin plays a lead role, as Joe – one of two brothers who’ve gone through adolescence living with their mother in an isolated area, right where they were when their father left ten years prior. A modern tale of sibling rivalry subtly turns into a psychological thriller littered with unexpected, though well foreshadowed, revelations. Playful, yet profound, Mes enfants n’ont pas peur du noir discusses violence and mental illness in a creative, entertaining fashion.
The set also walks a fine line between chaos and simplicity – and it exceeds at its balancing act. Tall two by fours scattered across the stage seem, at first, a bizarre, distracting choice as wall separations. However, light plays an important factor in turning the interior of the house into an isolated forest in the darkness of the night. The ‘woods’ within the house stand in as a visual reminder that the family is alienated from reality, and the audience can never escape that key factor to the way in which the mother and her two sons function – or rather, how they dysfunction.
A night of theatre that is absolutely worth your time – be sure to catch the upcoming shows, as Mes enfants n’ont pas peur du noir runs until December 3rd. For more information, visit .
Written By: Katherine Willcocks
Sounds worthwhile for sure!