In that moment
Once, all it takes
A smiling face
A soft embrace
Twice now, reality shakes
To just say sweet
Isn’t enough
A description that’s complete
Would indeed be tough
Si sente odore di bella
Myrízeis oraía
so much so I’m at a loss
I take this time to collect my thoughts
Again, and again, and again
Once more
Inundated when
That which I adore
Arrives within
Prudent perception
It is powerful, has flavor
And upon further reflection
Is something I will savour
The intoxication
Is delicate
A mental vacation
All else is irrelevant
In that moment
Written By: BeNjamyn Upshaw-Ruffner
About The Author
BeNjamyn Upshaw-Ruffner
Former Editor-in-Chief
“I’ll never know everything about anything, but I’d like to know something about everything.”
- BeN/Isaac
BeN is the former Editor in Chief of The Insider, now an alumni contrbutor. An embodiment of the duality between Rational and Emotional thought, this universe’s version of BeN is presumed to be a human living on PNF-404 prior to the planet’s sixth mass extinction. In the currently observed timeline, he is born in a Quebec, Canada during the information age. He is very skilled at utilizing the English language, alongside philosophical ideas, as a means to an end. However, he doesn’t seem to have any tangible goal. Everything he seeks is very abstract. He often implies that the entirety of everything is itself a work of art being consumed in some unfathomable way. I am Isaac Dinotno, the name he has given to the voice in his mind. He and I are in perpetual communication. BeN claims to have experienced astral projection during peak emotional periods of his life, though I can’t verify this. If you are reading this now, you can find BeN at Concordia University.