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The Automation of Writing, A Step Closer to the Devolution of Academic Writing Features 

The Automation of Writing, A Step Closer to the Devolution of Academic Writing

Have you ever stumbled upon ads and publicities about that AI tool that can do just about anything for you? Interestingly, there are articles featuring how its capabilities greatly outweigh its inadequacies. One of the popular things it can do is to write an essay. Without naming the app, one practically already knows what this article is referring to. What is intriguing about this AI tool is that anyone can use it in an extensive universe of possibilities. Imagine the joy of commanding it to build a personal skincare routine…

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The Women’s and Gender Studies is facing budget cuts Campus 

The Women’s and Gender Studies is facing budget cuts

Earlier in the school year, it was announced that the Women’s and Gender Studies Major, which has been at Vanier for almost 50 years, would face budget cuts. What that entails is that teachers who are coordinating the major will receive only one class release (they get to teach one less class than is the usual requirement) instead of two, as was usually the case. The administration argues for equity as the justification for this decision by emphasizing that other majors, such as the Indigenous Studies and Sustainability Majors, which…

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New Dean in the House; Meet Vanier’s New Staff Member Campus 

New Dean in the House; Meet Vanier’s New Staff Member

As of August 1st 2023, Vanier will be welcoming Sandrina Joseph, the new Academic Dean. For context, this position in the college is a very important one as it entails overseeing every academic and administrative operation within the College. The Academic Dean acts as the liaison between students, faculty, other staff members, and administrators. The position further entails serving as a public representation to outsiders. John McMahon has announced that this decision was approved by the Vanier College Board of Directors who followed recommendations from the Board Selection Committee and…

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Ruminations of a Jaded Optimist Arts 

Ruminations of a Jaded Optimist

Though I am an optimist I can still fall prey to the sad truths of this world. I feel sadness and grief for those around me, marveling in the great cruelty, ignorance and unfairness of this world. How does one remain hopeful? I feel helpless. I feel powerless against things so strong as nature. Yet do not misunderstand me, it is not Mother Nature with whom I wish to quarrel, but the possible nature of man. Greed, ignorance, arrogance and lust for power are my true enemies. How do you…

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Unthinkable Thoughts Arts 

Unthinkable Thoughts

These thoughts, these scribbles, these notes and screams, the replies, the agonizing questions, the cursing, the bleeding words, and the cutting sentences, all of which lie in me. Like a bomb ready to explode, but left burning at the top of its fuse, feeling like it’s gonna implode but never getting to. The bomb that needs to be ripped open, the one that needs to break, shatter, burn just to have fulfilled the need of what it is: a bomb. These thoughts, all they are are thoughts so why can…

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A Drop in The Plastic Ocean Environment Features 

A Drop in The Plastic Ocean

From your plastic water bottle you take a sip of clear crisp water, But what you fail to realize, Is that plastic will end up in the belly of an otter. And that immortal plastic straw From your gourmet almond milk chocolate mocha Will end up stuck in a sea turtle’s maw In the infamous six-pack ring I find no appeal, what is its purpose anyways, Other than shutting the mouth of a seal. Not even you are safe from this plastic terror, Because itty bitty pieces end up within…

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Waste Segregation: A Priority Among Others Campus Features 

Waste Segregation: A Priority Among Others

Waste is an inevitable part of society. In almost every activity, may it be eating a snack bought at the school cafeteria or buying a drink from a vending machine, we produce waste. “Since it is considered inevitable, why bother with it,” you might say. Our day-to-day needs and wants typically incur not only costs of our pockets but also costs of nature. The protein bar that costs you three dollars and twenty-five cents each morning because you are unable to eat breakfast at home also incurs a cost of…

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TV Series Recommendations Entertainment 

TV Series Recommendations

During the Easter break, I got to watch some new TV series, which inspired me to write this article. I also included one of my all-time favorites. Hope this gives you some ideas on what to watch in the next few weeks! Heartbreak High (2022) Genre – Comedy/Drama This Australian TV show is the reboot of Heartbreak High (1994-1999) with new characters and is set in the same Australian high school, Hartley High.  A map graffitied on the wall of the school about students’ sexual exploits is discovered and all…

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Discover Montreal One Coffee Shop at the Time Entertainment 

Discover Montreal One Coffee Shop at the Time

Summer is coming and the best way to enjoy Montreal is by discovering its many coffee shops and walking around the city! Also, with the semester’s end drawing near, studying somewhere other than our room might give us the push we need for last-minute studying. Here is a list of some of my favorite coffee shops around the city, in the hopes that you can enjoy them as well. This colorful and funky place provides a great and friendly atmosphere to get some work done in a very different setting….

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Art Initiative On Campus Campus 

Art Initiative On Campus

Second-year Liberal Arts students got the chance to decorate the halls of the school this week. The mural is located in the D building staircase and is supposed to mimic prehistoric cave paintings. This project was initiated by Jailson Lima, a science teacher, in collaboration with Owen Wood, a communications department teacher. Although these Liberal Arts students had no extensive art skills, they were able to paint this incredible fresco that adds warmth and creates a wonderful ambiance. If you have a chance, pass by the D staircase to feel…

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