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Three Sizes Too Small Arts 

Three Sizes Too Small

I don’t have much too give you

Certainly not love

Maybe companionship at best

Love died with the last guy

Rest in peace

Should I be angry about this?

I’m not

Things were different

Life was different

Eventful and full of colour

He could make me smile as soon as my tears dried up

It doesn’t matter what I had been crying up

He could inject passion in one lonely moment

Strong enough to be felt

Sweet enough to savor

I would worry about him more then I worried about myself

My happiness stretched as far as his smile did

A thin one that would reach both of his ears

Sometimes that was enough to be make a bad day seem all good again

I will admit that he did funny things too my lips

They smiled on their own

I smiled more then usual and forget about my own insecurities

My big eyes that take in the whole world in one glance

My not so perfect teeth

My strange gait

It would all be forgotten, momentarily

He held on to me like the prettiest flower in the bouquet

vowed to never let me fall

But that never really stuck

Blows to the mind

Blows to the heart

I don’t know which one was more fragile, but I did my best to mend it

The love was still there

Until one day it got snatched away

I was handed back my own empty heart

three sizes too small

Beaten up and worn out

Artfully stitched up all over the place

It was mine to keep

I didn’t know what to do with it

It continued to beat

Then bleed

Every time I thought about him

Whenever my mind refused to go ahead with the day

I still think about him

But now I am able to smile a little bit

Is that progress?


I will never know

But I think I will hold on to my little heart

That is three sizes too small


Poem by: Ana Habib

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