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Neverending Longing Arts 

Neverending Longing

Why did today have to end Why couldn’t it go on The rhythm of your chest The up and down Our breathing becoming concerto The entangling of our limbs As we slowly fall asleep But stay awake As to feel everything happening To feel everything ending so soon Wondering when we’ll get the chance To find our world in your sheets Play out every love song Make our fingers dance  On each other’s bodies Watch the world grow quiet And the snowflakes waltz As you take my hand Walk me…

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Love letter to my enemy Arts 

Love letter to my enemy

I hate you A bit much, isn’t it? I hate you Hate only burdens the hater. And yes, God, how it weighs me down. It’s not fair for you to use me when it’s convenient and ignore me when it’s not. To make me anxious for the entire fucking evening and not have the decency to tell me that you’re busy. I hate how I don’t say anything because you feel like “I freak out” when I do. You don’t have to go out of your way to make me…

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The Autistic EIC: The Truth Behind Lonesome Jack’s Loneliness Voices 

The Autistic EIC: The Truth Behind Lonesome Jack’s Loneliness

I know what y’all might be thinking. Well, to tell you the truth, I think I do, but I ain’t never sure about people, and part of me thinks I never will. I think I know how you might react, but then again, I don’t know how I’d react if I were in your shoes. But lemme tell y’all this before I begin. I didn’t write this article to bring awareness to my syndrome, and I do not want to a poster child about it. All I wish to do…

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