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What Do You do for The Environment? Vanier Alumni 

What Do You do for The Environment?

Reduce. Reuse. Recycle. Do any of these words ring a bell? Well, if you were brought up in the 90’s, or even in the 2000’s, you were most probably taught about the 3Rs of recycling: reduce, reuse, and recycle. Now, let’s look more closely into our daily lives. Do you do anything to help protect the environment? You may think you already do enough by categorizing the waste in your household according to the correct triage system. Or you might go “above and beyond” and opt for a shower instead…

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Save Yourself Voices 

Save Yourself

I’m a human being and, I assume, however risky that might be these days, that you are too. This article is one amongst many about climate change. I know it’s a very hot topic (pun intended) right now and you already know all there is to know about it. I won’t try and moralize you about polar bears, or bees or even compost. This article isn’t about that, it’s about us; it’s about you. We, as a species, emerged many millions of years ago in the dank and wild caves…

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We May Stand a Chance: Greta Thunberg’s Impact on a Dying World Features 

We May Stand a Chance: Greta Thunberg’s Impact on a Dying World

We are dying. Well, to specify, our planet is. Global temperatures have risen one degree Celsius since 1900 and are expected to rise even more at the rate that the world is progressing. This leaves us with a mere eleven years left to turn things around without detrimental consequences. As young people panic about the state of their futures, political parties sit back and continue to collect capital from their parasitic ways. Change needs to happen now! But it seems nowhere in sight… “I am only one person, what can…

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The Climate Calls for YOU Campus News 

The Climate Calls for YOU

We are in the midst of a climate crisis on Earth. Large systematic changes need to be made as soon as possible if we want to have a livable planet for future generations. Our governments have not been listening to the decades of cries for the health of our planet from the people. Grassroots movements started by young activists like Greta Thunberg have been gaining steam, and inspiring the masses to get out on the streets and demand for change. The long anticipated Global Climate Strikes are one such movement….

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Montreal’s Air Pollution News 

Montreal’s Air Pollution

Is Montreal’s air pollution truly a problem? The Service De L’Environnement’s most recent Montreal air quality report, which came out in 2017, indicates that the city’s air quality is most often, medically insignificant or tolerable by the general population. Does the lack of a direct perceivable effect on the population’s health mean there isn’t a problem? No, it does not. And while there isn’t an immediate consequence, the city’s public health agency states that about 1500 citizens die yearly of complications because of our air pollution. Canada continues to warm…

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The Climate Fight: Despairs and Hopes Vanier Alumni 

The Climate Fight: Despairs and Hopes

Climate change is one of the biggest challenges facing humanity. Our global temperature is rising as we continue to emit large quantities of greenhouse gases. Our planet’s resources are being overexploited and depleted. Our wildlife is dying, and our ecosystem is being polluted. Over the course of a couple of centuries, human activity has caused irreparable damages to our planet, and it will continue to get worse if society doesn’t act to change its ways.   Governments around the world are being called to join the fight against climate change…

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Blame Climate Change For Montreal Flooding News 

Blame Climate Change For Montreal Flooding

Major floods have been occurring across the province over the past couple of weeks. Thousands of homes have been damaged, forcing over ten thousand people to leave their homes as of May 29th. Bridges and roads have become inundated, and 3000 people have been cut off from their communities. In Montreal, a total of 55 residences were completely evacuated, and 94 homes were flooded. Until last Thursday afternoon, Montreal was put under a state of emergency. In response to the record-breaking floods, emergency responders and volunteers have been working hard…

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The Origins of Earth Day Features 

The Origins of Earth Day

The first Earth Day took place on April 22nd, 1970, in the United States, and involved peaceful protests across the country advocating for a healthier and more sustainable environment. Mainstream America was largely unaware of the detriment the environment was facing due to the burning of fossil fuels, air pollution and resource overexploitation. A best selling book by Rachel Carson released in 1962 titled “Silent Spring” was a key component in the raising of public awareness concerning the environment, pollution and their relation to public health. Americans had lots of…

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It’s Not a Myth Voices 

It’s Not a Myth

Who’s exhausted from hearing the constant talk about climate change? Apparently we’re all completely ignorant and the environmentalists are standing alone in their quest to slow the rate of pollution. But come on, right? Many of us say that we care about the issue and most of us claim that we are conscious about our ecological footprint and make attempts to reduce it. Maybe tree huggers just have a passion for concocting controversial posters, researching the main causes of the greenhouse gas emissions and blocking traffic flow on streets with…

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Canada is Warming Faster as Governments Fail to Catch Up Features 

Canada is Warming Faster as Governments Fail to Catch Up

Canada is warming twice as fast as the rest of the world according to a recent report prepared by government scientists. In parts of Canada’s north this warming is progressing at thrice the rate of the global average. While, since 1948, other countries have experienced temperature increases of roughly 0.8 degrees, Canada has been touched by a 1.7 degree increase. As the report notes in its headline statements, “this warming is effectively irreversible” and “further warming,” it anticipates, “is unavoidable.” These changes to our temperature can be expected to increase…

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