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VCSA Update on COVID-19 Campus News 

VCSA Update on COVID-19

As we are all struggling to keep our mental health in check, while also adjusting to online learning and upholding whatever other personal obligations we might have, as teachers tell us to enjoy our unexpected break, all the while giving extra assignments to make up for missed classes, we might feel like there is no way we can realistically meet every deadline.

Several students have voiced their concerns to the VCSA, mainly about the lack of support they are receiving from their teachers (especially students who have little access to internet or a computer), the lack of communication they are receiving from the college, with memos being scarce and/or hard to find, as well as a general fear on the part of students on academic probation concerning their academic standing.

Well, I have some good news for you!  

Vanier recently made accessible a 5-page memo in which it hid important information you may have missed if you werent able to find it or read it all.  

To summarize, it mentioned how every student has the right to ask their teachers for an extension if they feel they need one due to these outstanding circumstances.  

Teachers have been instructed to be very lenient and grant extensions without asking for a reason (of course, please be reasonable when/if asking for extensions).

In addition, if a teacher refuses to grant you an extension, you have the right to send an email to your Faculty Dean, as this is a violation of your student rights. If you are in the Faculty of Arts, Business and Social Science, this is your faculty Dean’s email.  If you are in the Faculty of General Education, this is your faculty Dean’s email. If you are in the Faculty of Science and Technology, this is your faculty Dean’s email.

You can also MIO the student advocate, Chelsea McVetty, if youre having any issues with teachers concerning grading, scheduling conflicts, false plagiarism accusations, etc.  She can help you write a MIO to your teacher, refer you to another department or resource if needed, guide and support you in a formal complaint or a review process and/or help you contact your Faculty Dean.

Moreover, as a last resort, you can request an incomplete by filling out this form. You will be asked to choose one of the following reasons for requesting an incomplete, so if any of the following describe your situation, you are legible for this accommodation:


In other news, in the event that the school does not open by May 1st (which will likely be the case), graduating students who have not yet taken the English Exit Exam (EEE) will be exempted from it, whereas non-graduating students will need to take it another time.  Nonetheless, in the unlikely event that the school does reopen by May 1st, the EEE would not take place on May 13th as scheduled. Instead, as mentioned in a recent MIO update from Rita Tomasetta, “[t]he Ministry of Education would then assess the situation and establish, in collaboration with the colleges, different scenarios for holding the exam, and allow potential graduating students to meet the graduation requirements.”

Concerning May intersessions, they are still set to continue and students should be receiving MIOs from their teachers within the upcoming weeks, if they have not already.  It is possible that they are given online, depending on the situation in May.

On the subject of Summer School, it is highly probable that it goes on as planned, with a few modifications to the schedule (some courses may have been cancelled, so click here for more information).  

Regarding the R score, as Vanier announced a few days ago, this semesters R score will not count, so that is another weight lifted from our shoulders (unless this semesters grades were amazing for you, in which case, I apologize).  However, maintaining high grades is strongly advised, especially for students planning on attending a university outside of Quebec.

To continue, it is still unclear how and when the VSCA elections will happen.  They could be held online, but they could also be postponed to next semester.  A referendum will be held to allow current signing officers to remain in office until an election is planned.

In regard to clubs, all club activities are currently suspended and funding, as well as club-liaisons, will be discussed next semester.  Reallocation of funds from this semester to next semester will also be deliberated with next years council.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact the VCSA: 

Good luck with the end of your semester; we only have a few weeks left!

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