Abandon dead weight,
Nobody can tell you what you should be feeling.
From now on, you only enter a relationship with someone if you consider them your equal,
And accept consequences gracefully.
It’s ok to admit that you are an ox in need of a yoke,
You can be with someone and still be lonely.
Be silent,
You are not required to like everyone;
You don’t have to be anyone’s therapist,
Stop casting yourself in the role of peacemaker,
How does your baggage affect your ability to love and be loved?
When you become gentle with yourself, it becomes infinitely easier to be gentle with others.
Creativity does not require out-of-control emotions,
So try not to hold onto past resentments, it’s never a good look,
Hold everything up to the light of inquiry.
Chase that money today,
And when you make it, reach your hand back down for the rest.
Hatch a conspiracy with your closest friends,
But pay your bills first today.
Author’s note: I compiled all of my co-star notifications, and wrote a deeply personal poem on how much astrology means to me. I hope this touches your soul as much as it did mine. Namaste.
By Co-Star