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Controversies over Poppies: Another Pop of Colour on Our Lapels Features 

Controversies over Poppies: Another Pop of Colour on Our Lapels

Since 1921, there is a long-standing tradition of wearing red poppies, during the Month of November, specifically on November 11, also known as Remembrance Day.   Inspired by John McCrae’s “In Flander’s Fields,” the red poppies, which grew near the battlefields of the First World War, are worn in commemoration of the armistice.   Over the years, the act of wearing a red poppy, as well as the concept of Remembrance Day, have been criticized for romanticizing war by depicting fallen soldiers as heroes and for promoting nationalism.   “I…

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The Importance of Wearing a Poppy During the Month of November Features 

The Importance of Wearing a Poppy During the Month of November

November used to be known as “Movember” or “Poppy Month”, but now with the rise of memes, it’s just known as “No Nut November”.   Every year, I see less and less of these red flowers in the crowds of people I pass, and I find it disheartening to be a part of a generation where apathy is so rampant.  I’m sure some people would like to wear poppies, but just don’t know where to find them, as they are becoming more and more scarce.   The reason for this…

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Postcards for Peace to Canada’s Veterans Features 

Postcards for Peace to Canada’s Veterans

Remembrance Day is celebrated on November 11th every year in Canada, and begun as a way to commemorate the service and remember the fallen of those who fought in the First World War. It is often difficult, especially for younger generations, to be able to relate to these wars, as many do not have family alive who were a part of WWI and WWII, and or do not have people close to them serving in the military. It is also easy to become desensitized to war, as conflicts worldwide are…

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Tripping over Thrifting: An Economic and Environmental Paradox Features 

Tripping over Thrifting: An Economic and Environmental Paradox

“I’m gonna pop some tags. Only got twenty dollars in my pocket,” sings Macklemore in his famous song, “Thrift Shop.” He talks about saving money and bagging ninety-nine cent items at a thrift shop, yet, little did he know that, six years later, we’d be lucky to find one item for twenty dollars (without tax of course). It seems to be the case that, back when Macklemore released his song in 2013, retail stores were the place to buy the latest trends and to get “tricked by a business,” as…

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The F Word (Feminist) Features 

The F Word (Feminist)

I am a feminist. Now, what does this mean? Does this mean I hate all men and that I’m a misandrist? Does this mean I believe all men are unworthy of forming an opinion? Does this mean I believe women should be superior to men in every way and that we should live in complete matriarchy? No, it does not. The definition of feminism, according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, is the following: “The theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes.” This means, as a feminist, that…

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We May Stand a Chance: Greta Thunberg’s Impact on a Dying World Features 

We May Stand a Chance: Greta Thunberg’s Impact on a Dying World

We are dying. Well, to specify, our planet is. Global temperatures have risen one degree Celsius since 1900 and are expected to rise even more at the rate that the world is progressing. This leaves us with a mere eleven years left to turn things around without detrimental consequences. As young people panic about the state of their futures, political parties sit back and continue to collect capital from their parasitic ways. Change needs to happen now! But it seems nowhere in sight… “I am only one person, what can…

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Boredom, Happiness, and Suffering: An Idealist’s Education Features 

Boredom, Happiness, and Suffering: An Idealist’s Education

Kirkegaard began with the principle that “all men are bores.” Of course, some men are more boorish than others, and the greatest tyrants and the cruelest nations have pushed history forward with their boredom. Any terrible weapon or horrendous crime has the unmistakable markings of bored and boring men. “Boredom,” Kirkegaard concludes, “is the root of all evil. What is more natural than trying to overcome it?” When we speak of education, we speak of something boring. High school, the old in and out from English to French to Math…

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The Origins of Earth Day Features 

The Origins of Earth Day

The first Earth Day took place on April 22nd, 1970, in the United States, and involved peaceful protests across the country advocating for a healthier and more sustainable environment. Mainstream America was largely unaware of the detriment the environment was facing due to the burning of fossil fuels, air pollution and resource overexploitation. A best selling book by Rachel Carson released in 1962 titled “Silent Spring” was a key component in the raising of public awareness concerning the environment, pollution and their relation to public health. Americans had lots of…

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Canada is Warming Faster as Governments Fail to Catch Up Features 

Canada is Warming Faster as Governments Fail to Catch Up

Canada is warming twice as fast as the rest of the world according to a recent report prepared by government scientists. In parts of Canada’s north this warming is progressing at thrice the rate of the global average. While, since 1948, other countries have experienced temperature increases of roughly 0.8 degrees, Canada has been touched by a 1.7 degree increase. As the report notes in its headline statements, “this warming is effectively irreversible” and “further warming,” it anticipates, “is unavoidable.” These changes to our temperature can be expected to increase…

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Climate Change In Canada Features 

Climate Change In Canada

Canada’s biggest industries involve the extraction of natural resources, including oil, gas and uranium. With the Arctic warming faster than any other biome recently due to increased greenhouse gas emissions, Canadians are particularly concerned about the impacts of climate change. The country generates enormous wealth from its oil and gas operations. However, the oil and gas industries account for a quarter of Canada’s greenhouse gas emissions, with the oilsands being the most carbon intensive. The oil extracted in Alberta’s oilsands reserves is shipped in pipelines in its raw form. The…

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