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De-Stressing and Holiday Activites With Vanier Student Life Campus 

De-Stressing and Holiday Activites With Vanier Student Life

    Once again, Vanier Student Life has some fun and de-stressing activities for you. If you like animals and need to find ways to de-stress, then the virtual animal therapy event will be just for you. Vanier Student Life has also organized multiple Netflix Watch Parties with the theme of holiday movies. 

     Vanier Student Life has organized a virtual animal therapy event. This virtual event will help you de-stress, and, also, you will get to meet really cute animals.  It will be held on December 9th during UB, which is from 12:30pm to 1:30pm. The really exciting thing about this virtual animal therapy is that you can attend the event and show your own pets, but, if you don’t have any pets, you can still attend and virtually meet other animals. 

To join the event, you must sign-up through the link in Omnivox, and a zoom link will be sent to you through MIO. 

     In addition, there will be several Netflix Watch Parties that you can join. The theme for the Netflix Watch Parties are holiday movies. The first Watch Party movie is Last Holiday; it will be held on December 4th at 9pm. 

The second movie is The Holiday, which will be shown on December 11th at 9pm. 

The last movie is Let It Snow, and it will be played on December 18th at 9pm. To join, you must sign-up with the link on Onmivox. You also need a Netflix account and the Teleparty browser extension to watch and chat along with everyone at the Watch Party. 

     Ultimately, be sure to look forward to de-stressing by meeting really adorable animals by joining virtual animal therapy, and joining the Netflix Watch Parties to watch holiday movies. This is a great opportunity to meet and chat with other Vanier students. Finally, make sure to follow Vanier Student Life on Instagram for upcoming activities that will be happening over the holiday break.

By Rexi

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