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Mon Histoire: L’expérience d’un fier Québécois asiatique Voices 

Mon Histoire: L’expérience d’un fier Québécois asiatique

Je n’ai jamais été quelqu’un qui se prononce sur le sujet de ma propre identité, souvent parce que j’ai peur des autres qui vont me dénigrer sur ce que je ressens personnellement sur un enjeu qui me concerne personnellement. Malheureusement, certains événements qui se sont produits durant ces derniers jours m’ont forcé à sortir de mon silence et de me prononcer sur plusieurs enjeux reliés à ma nationalité. Mes origines et mon parcours Je suis né le 30 septembre 2002 dans un hôpital à Jinan, dans la province de Shandong,…

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How to Cope Voices 

How to Cope

I think it’s safe to say that everyone is suffering from covid fatigue, all while some are simultaneously dealing with the fear of getting covid, or the loneliness of isolation. I also think it’s safe to say that no one wants to hear the phrase “we’re all in this together”, or “we’re living in extraordinary times”. Despite not wanting to hear these lectures from teachers who will then pile on work that leaves us feeling even worse, many of us could be suffering in silence because they do not know…

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Thoughts of An Angry Asian Bitch Voices 

Thoughts of An Angry Asian Bitch

I was always aware that I was Asian, almost hyper-aware. I never had a moment of realization that I was the “other”; I just knew that I was. From a young age, which is a bit silly to say considering the fact I’m turning only 20 this year, I knew that non-Asian people, specifically White people, would see me as Asian first and a person second.  I knew that my eyes were smaller and that my skin tanned like a golden egg tart from dim sum. I knew that I…

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United Against Hate Voices 

United Against Hate

The pandemic has brought many underlying issues to light. Civil unrest has dominated the news as inequality rooted in institutions are exposed and communicated through social media. Society has become increasingly more divided, and yet, more united than ever before. Society is increasingly more united in the fight against racially fueled injustice. Many have been made aware of the rise of anti-Asian hate crimes. Many state that although these attacks are unfortunate, “the model minority” doesn’t have it so bad under normal circumstances. This could not be further from the…

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A Response Voices 

A Response

Dear Mathieu Bock-Côté, I will do you the dissatisfaction of writing this rebuttal in English instead of the “dying” French language. Oh, the horror! For someone who claims that conservatives like you are the minority voice, you sure are very loud. Unlike the raging leftist, not liberal, that I am, you have a much bigger platform and reach with your column in the Journal de Montréal. So, yes indeed, I suppose you are a minority, a minority of Francophone cisgender White men who are conservative.  I, like many others, saw…

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Tiny Winter Flower Arts 

Tiny Winter Flower

Amidst the chill of the winter ache A little flower is able to break Through the thickest sheets of frost To show the world the life it had lost. A snowdrop, appearing there so frail Yet courageous enough to brave the hail.   A few white petals, alone in the cold, Such a small flower, yet very bold; Enough to inspire the others to grow, Shining hope for a life after snow. Soon will triumph the sun over the night Awakening again after the harsh winter bite.   Oh! How…

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Is the fight for sustainability elitist? Earth Day 

Is the fight for sustainability elitist?

A new dilemma has emerged in the fight for sustainability. As some people cannot afford to be sustainable, does reprimanding people for continuing to use unsustainable brands make you elitist?  I think there are many layers to uncover to fully understand this issue, the first one being what sustainability is. Through the scope of social media, the word “sustainability” has been twisted and turned until it has lost most of its meaning. It is more than often used indiscriminately in most discussions. Here’s a definition from McGill University that I…

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#savetheturtles: A Seaspiracy Earth Day 

#savetheturtles: A Seaspiracy

Netflix recently released their new environmental documentary called Seaspiracy. It follows a filmmaker, Ali Tabrizi, trying to learn about the harm that humans cause to the ocean and its ecosystems. As he gets deeper and deeper into the topic, he finds out that there is more to the story than he originally thought.  He begins his journey by looking into whales and dolphins, then discovers that there is an enormous global overfishing problem. Expectedly, he finds that large corporations are controlling how we consume. This topic has really been something…

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L’évolution de la Cour suprême Law 

L’évolution de la Cour suprême

Afin de comprendre l’essence-même du Canada, il est absolument essentiel de comprendre le système judiciaire ainsi que son évolution depuis la confédération. Il serait suffisant d’aborder les cours de dernière instance du Canada. Plusieurs lecteurs seront surpris par le fait que la Cour suprême du Canada n’était qu’une « cour d’appel intermédiaire » jusqu’en 1949.  Pour commencer, dès la Conquête britannique du Canada de 1763, le tribunal de dernière instance était intitulé le « comité d’appel du conseil privé de Londres ». Ce comité était formé de personnes qui souvent n’avaient aucune formation en…

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Dangerous Rise in Femicides News 

Dangerous Rise in Femicides

According to the Canadian Femicide Observatory for Justice and Accountability, femicide is defined as the killing of women and girls, however there are also various types. The eight murders that we have seen throughout the past eight weeks in the province can be categorized as intimate femicide, which is women being killed by former or current partners. This has also raised questions in the province about domestic abuse and violence in general against women.  Elisapee Angma, age 44 Marly Edouard, age 32 Nancy Roy, age 44 Slyvie Bisson, age 60 …

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