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I’m Falling in Love Woo The Insider 

I’m Falling in Love

I fall in love every day.


I know, a bit much, right?

But seriously, it’s true

I woke up the other morning and fell in love

With the streaks of watercolour paint in the sky

Reminding me that the Creator is an artist

I fall in love at the rhythm of raindrops

And at the pace of an acorn becoming an oak

Slow but steady, without rushing it, but with strength

Appreciating every bud and branch


I grow in love with the grass in springtime,

Fall for the autumn leaves,

Blush in the snow

And my heart grows warm under the summer sun


But you know, I fall in love with people too

Smiles are what make me crack the most

There’s something about joy that attracts

Or when someone speaks of what they love

And the spark of passion lights their eyes;

When a random stranger on the street shows kindness to another stranger;

To me, that is beauty

Of course, I might be naïve, but I’m not blind to the pain either

The questions about suffering, I have felt them too

I have seen and cried and felt numb at the injustice that overwhelms this world

And yet – 

When my friend trusts me enough to share their pain with me

When I see hope in eyes that previously only reflected anger

When I see my friend battling depression,

radiant as she holds her newborn baby – as she holds life

When I see someone forgive

When I am forgiven

Then I fall in love


I will keep my heart open

To not be blind to the pain of those around me

And though there is still so much, I need to learn about loving selflessly

I grow at the speed of an oak

Despite the broken branches, with every bud, there is hope

And so today,

I dare to fall in love.


By Katya Jutras

About The Author

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