
Hello fellow Vanier Students,

For those of you who are new to the school you might think that the school paper has always been in an online format. For others who have been around since last semester, or any of the other previous semesters, you may have participated in the online survey provided by the VCSA (Vanier College Student Association) council.

The survey asked students if they were reading the school paper and if they’d prefer it in an online format. From those who had participated in said survey, we, the VCSA Insider, noticed that a higher volume of the current day students would read more if it were online. Along with many other reasons, this was one which led to our decision to head into the online world, to share our writer’s pieces with all of you. Now, you may be wondering what other decisions lead to the newspaper switching from a hard copy to digital, so let’s start listing why.

The first reason to head online was to save funds and to give more funds to other clubs. Previously with the printing costs, around 600 issues cost a good sum of money and we figured we would save more money while also consuming less paper. As much as we enjoyed the idea of having the school paper in the paper format, we went with what was best for the environment and the funding provided to us.

Another reason was that we kept having leftover copies after every bi-weekly release, which we were disappointed about. We kept seeing the papers torn or just thrown everywhere, or even on the stands they were placed crumpled up and not cared about. We didn’t want to litter the school further and we didn’t want the money to go to waste. We were able to see that not many students picked up copies and this pushed us closer to the idea of heading online.

Last but not least, as stated earlier, the results of the survey provided by the VCSA council. After seeing the amount of students that would have read the paper if it had gone online convinced us that this was best for the future of the paper. We want to provide something that everyone will enjoy, and seeing that most of you, the student body, would prefer to read the paper if it were in a digital format instead of physical copies we decided to make the change.

We want our members to be able to express themselves through their writing and share it with you. Going online helps us greatly and gives you the chance to provide feedback and help us out even more. Again, these are the reasons why we went online instead of sticking to our old paper format.


by Ashley Langburt

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